Tuesday, June 22, 2010

APC UPS Discharge problem reset

From http://www.joeteck.com/apc-repair.htm we read:

This is for people who have these symptoms
•  You ran Powerchute software and noticed your run time is less than it should be.
•  You replaced your batteries with new one(s) and your run time is still very low.
•  Your Battery LED lights are flashing / blinking without a full load.
•  Your UPS program tells you, “UPS battery is discharged” from powerchute software.

Follow these steps to repair this un-documented solution.

***You need the smart-UPS serial cable to do this process. It is black, not gray. ***

•  Close Powerchute software, and stop the “APC – UPS Powerchute” service.
•  Open HyperTerminal. Start > Programs > Accessories > Hyperterminal > Hyperterminal
•  Enter in a name, such as APC repair.
•  Be sure the settings are as follows : 2400 Baud, 8 data bits, 1 Stop bit, no parity, Protocol is Xon/Xoff .
•  You should have an empty window. Press "SHIFT + Y" . You will get back “ SM ”
•  Enter “ 1 ” two times, with a two second gap between the two. (Two cursor flashes)
•  You should see “ PROG ”
•  Enter “ 0 ”. This will report back the current state the UPS is in. A perfect running APC UPS will be at “ 8C ”
•  Press and hold the “ - “ minus key to program the UPS to the correct state. You can cycle through the options until you get to “8C”
•  Press the “ + ” plus key once you have selected the correct constant value.
•  Press “ SHIFT + R ”, it should say “ BYE ” You're Done!
•  Press “ SHIFT + Y ”, Enter “ 0 ” to verify your Program took. If it does, you have fixed your problem. If not repeat the process again.
•  Close Hyperterminal, restart the UPS service, and re-run PowerChute software. You're UPS will show the correct run time.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Problem displaying non-unicode fonts in Greek windows 7

When we run a non-unicode program in Greek Windows 7 there is a chance that we do not see the right fonts. The solution is to run regedit and go to the key

HKCU\Control Panel\International

and then modify the value Locale replacing 00000409 with 00000408

For the changes to take place we must logoff the current user and then logon again.

How to add multiple NetBIOS names to Windows servers

You can add another NetBIOS name in the


section of the Windows registry by adding the

OptionalNames string value.

If three or more NetBIOS names are required, use the multi-string value with the same name.

This NetBIOS name is not treated the same as the server’s "primary" name. To aid in name resolution add a DNS CNAME record that points to the server’s primary name.

For more info take a look at http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/datacenter/?p=2593&tag=nl.e071

Another interesting post about this theme is the following:
Multiple names for one computer from Jose Barreto's blog

Registry settings for folder redirection in Windows

Read the following link from Microsoft:

A tcpdump tutorial

Check the following post http://danielmiessler.com/study/tcpdump/
Check communication to squid from a certain client
tcpdump -nnvvXSi eth0 src and dst port 3128

Transitioning Active Directory to Windows Server 2008 R2

Read the following post

Monday, June 7, 2010

ntfrs event id 13508

From JSI Tip 5439 we read:
The subject problem generally only occurs when you restore the only domain controller in the domain, or you restore all the domain controllers in the domain.

NOTE: If you run Dcdiag.exe, the FsmoCheck fails with:

Warning: DcGetDcName(GC_SERVER_REQUIRED) call failed, error 1355.

When you restore a domain controller, the FRS database is NOT restored, because a current replica is assumed to have the most current database. FRS tries to locate a replica to synchronize with and until it complete replication, it can NOT share the Sysvol and Netlogon shares. If you restore all the domain controllers, no replica can be found because they are all searching.

To fix the problem, you must designate a domain controller to be authoritative for the Sysvol replica set:

1. Stop the File Replication service on the PDC emulator FSMO role holder.

2. Use the Registry Editor to navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NtFrs\Paramaters\Backup|Restore\Process at Startup.

3. Double-click the BurFlags Value Name, a REG_DWORD data type, and set the data value to D4, using the Hex radix.

4. Exit the Registry Editor.

5. Start the File Replication service.

NOTE: If the BurFlags Value Name is set to D4 (authoritative) on more that one replica, conflicts and collisions will occur.

File Replication Service event log contains 13552 and 13555 events

From JSI Tip 3605 we read:
The most likely cause of these errors is that the FRS Jet database, or a Jet database log file, is corrupt. To fix the problem:

1. Open a CMD prompt on the domain controller and stop the NetLogon and Ntfrs services:

net stop NetLogon
net stop Ntfrs

2. Type:

del %systemroot%\ntfrs\jet\Ntfrs.jdb
del %systemroot%\ntfrs\jet\Sys\Edb.chk
del %systemroot%\ntfrs\jet\log\edb.log
del %systemroot%\ntfrs\jet\log\res1.log
del %systemroot%\ntfrs\jet\log\res2.log

3. Type:

net start NetLogon
net start Ntfrs

4. Check the FRS event log for expected warning 13514 and 13520.

5. Close the FRS event log and go get a cup of coffee.

6. In five minutes, recheck the FRS event log for informational messages 13553, 13554, and 13516.